Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Akantor video

If you don't like standing under big dragons for 20+ minutes then grab a couple of friends and beat on his face! :)

Akantor downed!

It was quite a trip to the last HR urgent, but it was well worth it! This time I was up against the giant dragon Akantor, who resides in the volcano area, once where crimson fatalis was. I heard from a lot of people that he was easy because he didn't move very much, but it didn't seem so when I fought him. The first thing he does when the set you on the battlefield is charges. Now normally you could avoid this by using the pansy jump technique, but it doesn't seem to work very well against Akantor, because ummm... HE'S FREAKING HUGE! Yeah, so you usually end up still getting hit. So to counter this I made some Basarios U armor, which gives you guard+2 with some decorations. Guard+2 allows you to block stronger attacks with less push back and less stamina used. Although Akantor still has some pretty rough attacks. I completed the fight using Auto-Guard, Guard+2, and the Gun Chariot, which is an awesome gunlance by the way. The whole fight consisted of me staying under his crotch... like literally, and poking his hind leg, until he got hard skin and I had to poke his face. Not much of a fight eh? Yeah well he has some nasty tricks of his own too.

- He submerges undergruond every often, if he is enraged it is a one-shot. Sometimes lava will shot up out of the ground if he does. With 150 health it does about 1/3 of mine and I have 350 def. Unbuffed it is a one-shot.

- After he submerges he will usually roar, not normally, but a roar that will one-shot you if he is enraged, this roar does a lot of damage even if you are blocking.

- He will do a normal roar, causing lava to shoot up out of the ground, I used auto-guard to block these, because they are random.

All of his other attacks are pretty easy to block or just not be in range to be hit except the charge, but they are all pretty devastating. I've found a way that makes the fight a whole lot easier, and it requires using 4~5 farcasters every quest. So with Akantor down, all that remain as of now are crimson fatalis, and rajang until I get some more downloadable quests. I soloed Fatalis the other day with the Akantor bow. I will post about him this week or next.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Chamelos Video

Another way to make Chameleos visible is to beat on him repeatedly like these people!

How do you fight something you can't see?

Eh? It would seem almost impossible, but it takes really careful eyes and precise actions. Chameleos the only dragon that can make himself invisible to the naked eye. It's the only reason he not a push over. When he's visible, you can predict almost every action he will take, but once he camoflogues it's a whole new game. He will turn visible for a second and only a second, which you must predict what action he will take next. Make a wrong move and you could be put in a very dangerous situation. He has a couple an attacks that need to be watched for.

-He will spit gas out that decreases your stamina to the minimal amount, and it will not go back up even after the effect wears off. While under this effect you can not eat any stamina increasing items. You won't be able to run or anything, so it's best to never ever be hit by this.

- He will spit a ball of acid at you decreasing your armor, not as bad as the stamina one, but bad if you get hit by it.

- He will leap in the the air and poison will spew around from him. Very hard to predict or see when he will do this unless you can see him.

- Last he will flick his togue at you and STEAL YOUR ITEMS!!! I really hate this ability, because he usually will steal your stamina items. :(

So for this fight you have to stay on top of him at all times, being far away from Chameleos is very dangerous as most of his attack are from a range. Breaking his horn is also very important in this fight because he will not be able to stealth as much if you do. I found out that if you can't find him on the map you run around until you character does the normal running motion(because when you run away from wyverns you run like a scared little pansy :) ) and that's how you find him, but if he hits you with that gas it over. Running away and towards him becomes dangerous then. After a couple atempts I got the strategy down, he was down as well, I'll have a picture up sometime soon, but until I'll post a video. :)

Hunter Rank 6!

Well it took a lot of effort and hard work, but I've finally solo'd my way to the last hunter rank in the game, and let me tell you it was not easy at all!

The "hard" missions that I'm undertaking now put me on the line in the quests now.

First upper level hunter quests don't give you supplies until later in the quests. Sometime they arrive early, late or never come.

The monsters do a LOT more damage now, I love bow and ranged weapons, but I have to be almost perfect when dodging certain attacks now, or else I am one-shotted.

Many quests have me fighting multiple monsters at once.. i.e. 2 Tigrex's, or Rathalos and Rathian..

So the urgent quest to get to HR6 is called "Land of Tremors". You have to fight Dual Tigrex's, which I thought at first would be kind of easy, I mean I can take one Tigrex no prob, so two shouldn't be too difficult. Boy, was I wrong. So I thought the quest would have me kill one and then the other one would appear at the time the first one died. That would of been all too easy though. So, yeah they both roam around the whole freaking map like crazy. It's almost funny because I was fighting one and doing well, so normally I though this was going to be a cake walk. All of the sudden... *PLOP* another Tigrex falls out of the sky and lands on me while I'm trying to beat the other in the face with my Devil Slicer. So yeah soon afterwards I had to deal with the fury of two Tigrex's. With the devil slicer I can't block so that ended.. badly.. So after a lot of deaths I came into the quests fully prepared with 15 flashbombs, 3 shock traps, 6 Large Bombs, and one pitfall trap. My strategy was to kill one Tigrex as fast as possible, and Fight the other one as I would normally. It went smoothly, although it took a lot of time, because when they would both be in the same area I would have to flee. So out of the 50 minutes they gave me for the quest I took about 47 minutes, cutting it pretty close, but still completed! Now I'm ready for some even harder quests, like Fatalis! I never could beat fatalis on the first monster hunter, but this time things will be differen. I've come to far to stop now!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Shen Gaoren Video

A video to show what the Shen Gaoren fight is like... man I really want that guy's white fatalis armor and his bow.. :)

Shen Gaoren Repelled

Wow, what a week... had a lost of stuff going on in the past week, with school, friends, and work so I haven't had a lot of time to post here.

So this Shen Gaoren guy? Who is he eh? A GIGANTIC CRAB! You hit his weak points and flip him over to do MASSIVE DAMAGE.(I had to do it.)

Not so much, but you do whack each of his legs until they turn red and he falls over so you can hit him in the face. I though this fight would be much like fighting Lao Shan Lung(He will be explained later.) and it is similar in some aspects, but wow, crab legs are hard to avoid sometimes. Getting stomped on is very painful in the fact that I don't have any G-ranked sets of armor. In the end though I did enough damage with the True Devil Slicer to repel him. :)

More updates coming soon, I get back to you with Chamelos, who I downed the other day, and Lao Shan Lung.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Lunastra and Teostra video

Whee! Oh yeah I have no idea why the one person is fighting Teo naked. :)


Okay, so I've be sort of slack on the updates so I'll post a whole bunch in a few(videos, ect)

In other new Teostra and Lunastra have both been slain! Whooo, those were some of the hardest fights yet in this game, both being similar in attack patterns, and power. I tested out the new weapon I made from the rustone I found from mining. It's called the Eternal Strife, a dragon element sword and shield, but since they nerfed SnS in this game I'm not sure if it was really worth it. Made some new sets of armor as well, and once I am not busy I'll get back to you with a detailed version of the Shen Gaoren fight that I finished today! He's a giant crab!

(Just to let you know I've been secretly reading, doing homework and watching this anime called Claymore, which is freaking awesome. ^_^)