Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hunter Rank 6!

Well it took a lot of effort and hard work, but I've finally solo'd my way to the last hunter rank in the game, and let me tell you it was not easy at all!

The "hard" missions that I'm undertaking now put me on the line in the quests now.

First upper level hunter quests don't give you supplies until later in the quests. Sometime they arrive early, late or never come.

The monsters do a LOT more damage now, I love bow and ranged weapons, but I have to be almost perfect when dodging certain attacks now, or else I am one-shotted.

Many quests have me fighting multiple monsters at once.. i.e. 2 Tigrex's, or Rathalos and Rathian..

So the urgent quest to get to HR6 is called "Land of Tremors". You have to fight Dual Tigrex's, which I thought at first would be kind of easy, I mean I can take one Tigrex no prob, so two shouldn't be too difficult. Boy, was I wrong. So I thought the quest would have me kill one and then the other one would appear at the time the first one died. That would of been all too easy though. So, yeah they both roam around the whole freaking map like crazy. It's almost funny because I was fighting one and doing well, so normally I though this was going to be a cake walk. All of the sudden... *PLOP* another Tigrex falls out of the sky and lands on me while I'm trying to beat the other in the face with my Devil Slicer. So yeah soon afterwards I had to deal with the fury of two Tigrex's. With the devil slicer I can't block so that ended.. badly.. So after a lot of deaths I came into the quests fully prepared with 15 flashbombs, 3 shock traps, 6 Large Bombs, and one pitfall trap. My strategy was to kill one Tigrex as fast as possible, and Fight the other one as I would normally. It went smoothly, although it took a lot of time, because when they would both be in the same area I would have to flee. So out of the 50 minutes they gave me for the quest I took about 47 minutes, cutting it pretty close, but still completed! Now I'm ready for some even harder quests, like Fatalis! I never could beat fatalis on the first monster hunter, but this time things will be differen. I've come to far to stop now!